Review: Remember Me When by Brooke Blaine



Author: Brooke Blaine
Series: The Unforgettable Duet #2
Pages: 151


My worst nightmare and your greatest fear became a reality:
You don’t remember me.
You don’t remember the accident, or the weeks afterward.
You don’t remember my bed as your safe place, or when, against all odds, you fell for me.
You remember me only as the casual acquaintance you saw as you grabbed your daily coffee.
Three sugars, two creamers.

Perhaps an acquaintance is all I’ll ever be to you now.
Maybe I can shoulder the heartbreak and the loss of you, if it means you’ll be happy.
You remember me when.

The blurb of the second (and sadly last) book of The Unforgettable Duet does a much better work at telling the reader what they are going to find inside the book. Brooke Blaine left me speechless with the cliffhanger where Reid forgets all about Ollie. I mean, all of it! In my whole life I have never felt actual sickness after reading a book. Brooke managed to make me dizzy. I even had trobule to get a good night of sleep that day… I had developed a huge amount of sympathy toward Ollie and my body was responding as such. I can only applaud when facing this kind of fictional magic.

Fiirst, I must admt I was a bit disappointed when the second book resumed the story from the point of view of Reid. Forget Me Not was all about Ollie and I wouldn’t change a single comma about it. I wanted more Ollie!! But I had to give the painist the benefict of the doubt and I tried to enjoy the chapters told from his point of view (there are also chaperts from Ollie’s point of view). I also have to admit that I didn’t have to try very hard. In no time I was suck into the interesting journey that was going to be Reid’s recovery of his lost memories.

The pace is as slow as in the first book. Slow, but always forward. It’s not boring at all. It’s a very natural pace that makes the character much more appealing and much more easiser to connect to. Not that I needed much to reconnect with Ollie… Speaking of Ollie… he is a f***ing TANK!! Emotionally and physycally speaking. What he endures in order to make Reid’s life better… it really takes a special kind of person to achieve such heartwarming kindness. And in this second book we discover he is built like a professional wrestler according to Reid. I was suprised by this, but I guess it would have been weird of Ollie to mention his bulging biceps or hard chest in the first book (weird, but kind of hot, though). And that he has tatoos… I guess the author liked a lot the cover of Forget Me Not. I can’t blame her.

If I have to summarize the book with just one word I would pick this: agony. Reid has not only forgotten his relationship with Ollie (and Ollie in general), he has also a really hard time accepting he was with another man. That creates a lot of situations where Ollie has to steel himself if he wants to keep helping Reid. I don’t know how the paramedic can handle so much heartbreak in such short time. He is a real superhero. Damn, I hate to admit it; but the Superman nickname fits him like a glove. I would take my hat off in front of this guy everytime of the week. Yes, the crush on Ollie is still going on at full speed *sigh*.

Even though I have only praise for these books, I must admit that I didn’t like the epilogue. It didn’t feel as unique as the rest of the story. Just the classic Romance ending. I guess I don’t like it because it means that we won’t get more stories with these guys. Am I bad a person if I wish some drama in their realtionship so we can get another book?


Next: Guardian’s Bond by Rhenna Morgan

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